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Feedback from the meeting…..
Informative talks
Meeting new people
Meeting delegates
Enjoyed presentations
Varied topics
Connecting with more women in insurance
Good talks
Good conversations between the talks
Seeing people in person & making new connections
Belden (Menkus) was fantastic
Lovely to be back in-person!
Really interesting presentations and good to discuss with others from the market
The “informal conversations” nature of the meeting – very interactive
Andy’s overview – trend analysis & high-level interpretation, V interesting
Bronwyn had so much info and ……… & session could not touch everything
All of it – a nice mix of very relevant issues and more general broader insurance challenges
Open questions throughout
Meeting new people
Broad range of topics
Hearing about work being done on hot topics
Networking between meetings (presentations)
All topics were very good
Key market updates
Meeting people and exchanging ideas
I always learn lots of new things and meet interesting people!
Space to think
Being able to meet people in person
Informal chats prior to talks
Great Experts, really knowledgeable
Meeting leading people across the wider industry
Hearing different perspectives from areas of the industry
Being able to discuss other topics than those you work with on your day-to-day job, perspective
Great venue | speakers: -good range of topics
Well organised
In person is ideal
It was a really lovely event, lots of interesting talks and people, good food
Monique is a fab chair & whole Committee (Advisory Board) do a great job
I like having a seating plan at dinner as it makes it easier for new people to join in